So, you are ready to start a new painting. You have all you supplies at the ready for action but… You are staring at an empty white paper/page. What now? What do i draw? Where do i start? Ohh i know this feeling all to well, you want to paint, you want to start but do not know what. Let me tell you the things I uselly do if i am lost of inspiration.
These things are some of the items that help me finding inspiration again to paint, or start a new painting. Sometimes is just wander off in Pinterest, Pinterest is one of my best friends for finding inspiration. Just scroll and look at action photos, games, or other painting. There is so much on here and there are so many talanted people on there. Enought to find inspiration for sure.
What also always helps are books. I own a couple of watercolour books and everytime is go through them i want to paint. Learn a new item to paint or just paint some of the flowers from the books.
But what about wander off to other things, use different medium, paint minis, paint a wall?
There are so many options to find inspiration from. Those are just a couple of the things I go to if i do not know what to paint.
My name is Ilse and on my website you will find stuff about graphic design, art pieces, games, and travel. All nerdy things you need!